Titolo: Stereotipi e sessismo linguistico nei manuali di italiano L2/LS: analisi e proposte di riscrittura inclusiva

Descrizione: The work aims at a reconnaissance of the current teaching material used in classes of Italian as a foreign language, bearing in mind the perspective of gender inclusive language and gender stereotypes.
A detailed linguistic analysis of copiuous textbooks – which was carried out upholding the approach of Italian linguist Alma Sabatini - highlights how the female world is still shaped through a male-dominant point of view. As a matter of fact, linguistich inclusivity often fails to be achieved, falling the Italian language into the grammatical gender languages type. The purpose of the analysis present in Chapter 3 is to show how a gender sensitive linguistic approach can be obtained and integrated into foreing language teaching material of Italian language, catering to all six level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) through degendering and engendering strategies.
On the other hand, the ambition of shaping multicultural beings across the world calls for the analysis of the socio-cultural aspects representing Italy in the aforementioned textbooks. This analysis (Chapter 4) recognizes five areas in which gender stereotypes, regarding the female sphere, are strongly pervasive and fail to represent the actual nuaces of life and personal identity - childhood, labour, family care, housekeeping, and physical appearence.
Lastly, Chapter 5 argues the outcomes of both the linguistic and socio-culultural analysis, in view of a future improvement of such teaching materials.

Autore: Sara Sabatini, Laura Mori (pref.)

Editore: Università degli Studi di Torino
CIRSDe – Centro Interdisciplinare di Ricerche e Studi delle Donne e di Genere dell’Università degli Studi di Torino

Data: 2022

Gestione dei diritti: Licenza Creative Commons
Quest'opera è distribuita con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Condividi allo stesso modo 4.0 Internazionale.

Identificatore: ISBN: 9788875902407


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Sara Sabatini e Laura Mori (pref.), “Stereotipi e sessismo linguistico nei manuali di italiano L2/LS: analisi e proposte di riscrittura inclusiva,” Collane@unito.it, ultimo accesso il 09 marzo 2025, https://collane.unito.it/oa/items/show/139.

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