Titolo: INSPIRE. Exploring Social Entrepreneurship: Selected Case Studies

Descrizione: Social entrepreneurship takes on various forms, reflecting the considerable diversity among social entrepreneurs – encompassing their backgrounds, motivations, aims, and the diverse settings in which they operate. This variety of experiences and practices serves as a powerful learning resource, enabling established social entrepreneurs to compare their journeys and achievements with those of others, and providing inspiration and practical guidance for those at the outset.

The Erasmus+ INSPIRE project contributes to this exploration by presenting a captivating range of case studies from Europe and beyond. These carefully selected cases not only celebrate the international scope of social entrepreneurship but also aim to foster its expansion. By showcasing diverse experiences and innovative approaches, the project seeks to infuse fresh thinking and energy into our collective efforts to address social, economic, and environmental challenges.

Autore: Peter Totterdill (ed.), Merve Seray Ural, Fatma Akay, Derin Ergönül, Cansu Kandara, Faize Yıldız, Maria José Sousa, Cristina Sousa, Maria de Fátima Ferreiro, Sofia Vale, Pedro Sebastião, Luciana Rosa, Leonor Domingos, Paolo Biancone, Silvana Secinaro, Valerio Brescia, Davide Calandra, Federico Lanzalonga, Michele Oppioli, Ginevra Degregori, Rosemary Exton, Peter Totterdill, Said Jaboob, Alamir N. Al-Alawi, Mohammad Soliman, Balaji Dhanasekaran, Samskrati Gulvady, Haider Abbas, Sohail Amjed, Atsloom Al Shari

Editore: Università di Torino

Data: 2023

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This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0

Identificatore: ISBN: 9788875902766


Peter Totterdill (ed.) et al., “INSPIRE. Exploring Social Entrepreneurship: Selected Case Studies,” Collane@unito.it, ultimo accesso il 13 marzo 2025, https://collane.unito.it/oa/items/show/152.

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