Titolo: ¿Hacia nuevas fronteras? Europa y América Latina entre nuevas y viejas fronteras

Descrizione: This volume is the result of the 2nd. Congress of the International Network of Comparative Borders Research (RECFronteras): “Towards new Borders? New and old frontiers in a renewed international system ”, carried out in Turin, Italy on July 6 and 7, 2017. RECFronteras is an epistemic community that was formed in 2014 and has gathered around the study and understanding of the various phenomena that arise in frontier spaces from a comparative and multidisciplinary perspective. RECFronteras seeks to contribute to the debate about the processes of change that various borders in the world experienced. And the participation of several of our members in these discussions is essential to show the origin of the contrasting effects of globalization (economic integration/disintegration) in border spaces.

The essays of this volume are organized into two groups: the first is composed of five articles that discuss from a broad perspective the processes of regional integration and their impacts on border spaces; the second group focuses on various analyzes on the effects of globalization on the mobility of people in border spaces as well as migration policies and their impacts on refronterization processes. As a manner of conclusion, the last work proposes a general reflection on how to address the problem of inequality in Europe.

Autore: Tiziana Bertaccini, María del Rosío Barajas Escamilla

Editore: Università degli Studi di Torino

Data: 2019

Gestione dei diritti: Licenza Creative Commons
Quest'opera è distribuita con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Condividi allo stesso modo 4.0 Internazionale.

Identificatore: ISBN: 9788875901486



Tiziana Bertaccini e María del Rosío Barajas Escamilla, “¿Hacia nuevas fronteras? Europa y América Latina entre nuevas y viejas fronteras,” Collane@unito.it, ultimo accesso il 13 gennaio 2025, https://collane.unito.it/oa/items/show/33.

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