Titolo: Maschilità e questioni politiche in Italia. Etnografia comparata su due forme di associazionismo maschile

Descrizione: This thesis displays an ethnographic research aimed at the exploration of the «politics of masculinity», which represent a phenomenon of «mobilizations and struggles where the meaning of masculine gender is at issue, and, with it, men’s position in gender relations» (Connell, 1996, 205). Given the shortage of academic and public debate, which historically concerns the themes of masculinity, the research focuses on the concept of crisis and its spread. In addition to its contribution to the growth of media interest and to the development of men’s studies in recent years, this notion has fostered the diffusion of the male voice in the shape of specific associations. This thesis takes into account two Italian experiences that are significant for their theoretical contrast about men’s studies. Bounded up with the social constructionism, Maschile in gioco (Rome) is a group that practises self-consciousness and belongs to the network of Maschile Plurale association, whereas Campo maschile (Brescia) is configured as a project in continuity with the Maschi Selvatici association and with its typically «essentialist» positions. From a methodological point of view, the participant observation – a functional technique for the investigation of form and content of the two case studies – is accompanied by the technique of «focused interview». These qualitative techniques are useful for studying experiences of which literature has already highlighted the contrast in terms of discursive repertoires: in the first case they are aimed at the deconstruction of masculinity, in the second at its reconstruction. However, by enhancing the «continuity» between content and form, the research lays particular stress on a common – even though oriented towards opposite directions – work, which involves the two case studies as all-male socialization agencies. In the end, the research emphasizes the recurrence of a model of masculinity close to intimacy – not far from the concept of «caring masculinities» (Elliott, 2015) – which unites the two case studies and is able, perhaps, to challenge the deep-rooted patriarchal system of our society.

Autore: Gianluca Giraudo

Editore: Università degli Studi di Torino
CIRSDe – Centro Interdisciplinare di Ricerche e Studi delle Donne e di Genere dell’Università degli Studi di Torino

Data: 2020

Gestione dei diritti: Licenza Creative Commons
Quest'opera è distribuita con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Condividi allo stesso modo 4.0 Internazionale.

Identificatore: ISBN: 9788875901622
ISSN: 2533-2198


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Gianluca Giraudo, “Maschilità e questioni politiche in Italia. Etnografia comparata su due forme di associazionismo maschile,” Collane@unito.it, ultimo accesso il 09 marzo 2025, https://collane.unito.it/oa/items/show/58.

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